Ship Inspectors Conduct Virtual Inspections of Oil Tankers During Pandemic

It said SIRE inspections had by fallen 25% in April versus the same period last year following a 15% drop in March versus March 2019 when nearly 2,000 tankers were surveyed.

“The longer this situation goes on, the less accurate the older reports will be perceived and therefore the less likely report users are to accept them,” OCIMF’s Drysdale told Reuters.

Hugo De Stoop, chief executive of the world’s leading tanker group Euronav, said they expected some of their tankers would soon be due for inspection.

“We can use certainly cameras for the physical inspection that needs to take place,” he said, but added the industry would face “unknown territory” if the situation drags on.

Mark O’Neil, president of Columbia Ship management, which is responsible for 170 tankers, said the company used a combination of local surveyors when possible as well as remote surveying.

“Where we cannot get a technical or marine superintendent to visit the vessels, we will rely much more on onboard technology to film and collect data – to put the onus on the crew to provide verifiable data to check and combine that with spot checks of local surveyor,” O’Neil said.

A Royal Dutch Shell spokesman referred comment to OCIMF, while BP did not respond to requests for comment.

Just over 800 supertankers are trading in the world, data from valuations specialist VesselsValue showed.

Robert Hvide Macleod, chief executive of Frontline – another leading tanker group, said 24% of the global fleet of supertankers, which can each carry 2 million barrels of oil, were over 15 years old, adding to the strain.

“A large number of vessels are due for periodic dry dock, and quite a few of the vessels due have recently been granted short extensions, but this is temporary postponement only. The service must be carried out,” Macleod told an earnings call last week.

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