AAV In Conversation with Phil Seymour of IBA

Asian Aviation Editor Matt Driskill is In Conversation with Phil Seymour, president of aviation consultancy IBA. Seymour originally joined IBA in 1997 to head the technical management department. He is an aviation specialist giving valuable insight into all aspects of aviation consulting. He is a regular contributor at aviation conferences as a prominent industry authority and has advised in a number of high profile M&A projects for clients including Goldman Sachs and Terra Firma, and as an expert witness to the High Court. Seymour’s career began with British Airways as an Air Transport Engineer and he subsequently held positions in several airlines before qualifying as a Senior Appraiser in 2002. In 2018, Seymour was bestowed the title of Appraiser Fellow by the ISTAT Appraisers’ International Board of Governors. The designation recognises his outstanding service to the appraisal profession for over 20 years as an ISTAT appraiser, six of which as the elected Chair.

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